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Lactic Acid Announcement

Call For Volunteers - Open Streets Boise Event Hap...
Brian Deis

Boise Bicycle Project reached out and asked if Lactic Acid Cycling would like to participate in their Open Streets Boise event happening this Sunday, Sept. 22 in the depot/bench neighborhood. I won’t be able to be there but it looks like a fun event and I wanted to see if any of our club members were interested in helping out for a few hours.

In addition to representing the club at our designated booth, volunteers would help power the event stage via seven generator bikes. Volunteers would help manage the bike area from 12:00 to 2:30 by taking turns keeping the cranks turning and to coordinate crowd participation on the bikes (limiting number of kid riders at any one time) and generally just helping the party stay rolling. 

Here is a link to more information:

If you would like to help out, please reach out to me by Wednesday so I can let the Boise Bicycle Project know.

Thank you,


Brian Deis

I didn't get much interest from the Club so we will pass on organizing a volunteer group for this event.

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